QuickScan DL
will be a great addition to your current product line because it allows
you to easily generate continual income! The clients to whom you
sell a QuickScan DL license will also purchase
a subscription from you for the news data that you'll provide for them using
your QuickScan ProMedia system. This data may reflect a library tape (or
CD) that you are
maintaining or it might just represent a database of news stories that are important to
your client.
With QuickScan DL your clients can perform searches on their
own data and create
their own custom, in-house reports and all you'll have to do is email them a file each
week (or at whatever interval you and your clients choose). Then just send
the invoice. |
| Unlike QuickScan
ProMedia or QuickScanJr, there is no way
for records (news stories) to get entered into the QuickScan DL database other
than with a DL-type file, which can only be provided to the QuickScan DL
user by a licensed news monitor.
| QuickScan DL has the same system requirements
as QuickScan ProMedia or QuickScanJr Plus.
| QuickScan DL is reasonably priced.
Sell it to your client or buy it for your client and include it as
part of their subscription.