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                                                  This page was last updated: 05/09/05

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 Performing iNN Uploads with QuickScan – The Easy Way

Putting JR. to Work - How to use the new QuickScanJR to optimize data uploads to iNN

Click a question below to view possible solutions and get some guidance. The most recent additions to this page will always be at the top of its category. You might also want to try using your browser's Find control in the Edit menu to locate your topic.

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* Is QuickScan 98 Y2K (Year 2000) compliant?

* To get all of the recent QuickScan features and fixes do I need to install all of the previous updates?

* How can I determine the "modification" date of my QuickScan application?

* Should I turn my computer and/or QuickScan off when I leave the office for the day?

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Errors & Error Messages:

* When I attempt to import a non-delimited closed caption text file I get an error message and then the "Add End Clip Delimiters" screen opens but has no text in it.

* I've just updated QuickScan and now I get a "null value" error message when I'm appending the closed caption records that I've just imported.

* When I open QuickScan at a workstation I get an error message that the file "qsidecar.mdb" is either missing or damaged.  QuickScan opens fine on the other workstations and the file qsidecar.mdb is OK.

* When I'm running the Repair/Compact portion of the QuickScan maintenance routine I get an error message saying that there may be another workstation in use or that I have entered an incorrect path to my data files.  I know that neither case is true.

* When I start QuickScan I'm asked for a "Path" to my data files when I have already entered this information.

* I have entered a correct path to my data and have run the repair options but continue to get a path error though everything appears normal once I have entered the path and QuickScan is running.

* An error occurs when I close the Ad Hoc Search form.

* I get an error when I attempt to run the spelling checker in QuickScan.

* When I run the spelling checker I get the message that the the spell check is complete but it did not find any errors.

* QuickScan gives me a cryptic error message when I attempt to import a closed caption text file.

* I'm running a search where I know that I have 'hits' but nothing happens.  No search results or error messages appear.

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* What is the SnapShot Viewer and how do I use it?

* How can I email reports to my clients who own Mac computers when the SnapShot Viewer doesn't work on those? (Explains sending reports in HTML format - not just for Mac users)

* I'm not able to create a SnapShot email report and an email document is not automatically created as I expected.

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* In the "Teaser/Promo Letter" report, is there a way to include a standard 'complimentary close' (i.e. Yours Truly,) and a typed 'signature' line (i.e. Bob Jones, President)?

* My company name, phone number or other information is not appearing on reports?

* How can I set up my computer systems and printers to take full advantage of QuickScan’s report, label and fax features?

* When I create a report title with an ampersand (&), such as "B & B Burgers", the ampersand disappears when the report is printed.

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* View Maintenance Document

* What considerations are there for using the Duplicate Record feature in the QuickScan Utility?

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* What are the "Export File Types" found in QuickScan's Export Records screen and which one should I be using?

* How do I Import CC files?

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* How can I stop a search from running once it has begun (such as when I've realized after starting the search that I've entered incorrect search criteria)?

* When I'm searching for records (stories) that contain a particular key word in the text how can I avoid "word within a word" results (i.e. searching for oil returns spoiled, soil, Oilers, spoiler, foil, etc.)?

* I am searching for two key words but only want 'hits' in the records where both key words occur (i.e. Priest AND video - not Priest OR video).

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* I get a spell check error in QuickScanJr version 2.x.

* I've sent my recently updated "homefile.mdb" file to a remote logger but now they are unable to see any program information in their logging screen.

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When I attempt to import a non-delimited closed caption text file I get an error message and then the "Add End Clip Delimiters" screen opens but has no text in it.

This error is usually caused because of a missing or unregistered Windows component called Fm20.dll, a direct link library file that contains the control (text box) that is used by the "Add End Clip Delimiters" screen to display the CC text.

To correct this problem you'll first need to determine if this file is present in your system.  Use the Windows Find File feature to look.  If you can't find Fm20.dll you'll need to obtain it from another computer or you can call BDS for a copy.  This file should be located (or placed in) the c:\Windows\System file folder.

The next step is to tell Windows that this file is available and ready for action. This is called registering the file.  Here's how we do it:

Click the Windows Start button and select "Run...".

In the box that appears type: "regsvr32.exe C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/FM20.DL" (without the quotes)

It might be easier for you to highlight the line above and then paste it into the Run box. That way you'll be sure that you won't make any spelling or typing errors. Just use the <Ctrl> <C> keys to copy and then the <Ctrl> <V> keys to paste.

Click the OK button on the Run box. You'll get a verification message that file was registered.

After you've done this you should be able to use QuickScan to insert delimiters into CC text files. If QuickScan was opened while you did this, you should close it and then re-open it.    Back to Top      Make a Service Request


I've just updated QuickScan and now I get a "null value" error message when I'm appending the closed caption records that I've just imported.

This error is being caused because you haven't told QuickScan where to put your archived closed caption files.  Go to the User Options screen and, in the field labeled  "CC files storage (opt.)",  type in a location (path) where you'd like to keep these archived  files. If you're running QuickScan on a network it suggested that you use a common location such as "J:\CCArch", where "J:" is actually the C:\QS98 folder on the 'server'.  If you're running QuickScan in a stand-alone environment,  you can create a folder wherever it's most convenient.  Once you've typed in a path you may click the button labeled "Create this folder" and QuickScan will create it for you.

The most recent version of QuickScan has replaced the cryptic "null" error message with an understandable explanation and then continues with the Append operation.


When I open QuickScan at a workstation I get an error message that the file "qsidecar.mdb" is either missing or damaged.  QuickScan opens fine on the other workstations and the file qsidecar.mdb is OK.

On the computer that is having the problem opening QuickScan open Windows Explorer and look in the c:\qs98 folder .  See if there exists a file called "qsidecar.new".  If so, delete this file.  You might also replace the existing qsidecar.mdb with one form another working workstation.  Back to Top      Make a Service Request


What are the "Export File Types" found in QuickScan's Export Records screen and which one should I be using?

There are currently four different file 'types' that you can export from QuickScan and these are found as selections in the Export Records screen. 

The "QuickScan" file type, once created, can be sent to another QuickScan user and imported by them into their records.  This is useful for clients with multiple remote locations that are each running full versions of QuickScan 98 where these "hub" locations are required  to send data to a central location on a scheduled basis.

The "Type 1" selection creates the NDS upload file.   This file is a delimited text file with fields and delimiters that are in accordance with the NDS specifications.  NDS members would use this feature.

The "Type 2" selection creates the BNX upload file according to the BNX specifications.  This file is also a delimited text file but varies in some significant ways from the NDS file.   QuickScan users with a BNX affiliation would use this selection.

The "Type 3" file type is for future use and not currently available to most QuickScan users.  Back to Top      Make a Service Request


What considerations are there for using the Duplicate Record Removal feature in the QuickScan Utility (Not currently for use with QuickScan ProMedia)?

Here are few things to remember about using the Duplicate Record Removal feature in the QuickScan Utility:

1. The utility determines the uniqueness of a record by looking at four different fields in the record (clip). These fields are Date, Time, Station and Time-In. The most important, is the "Time-In" field (the obviously unique field, "Description", can not be used because it is a "memo" field and the program that QuickScan is written in (Access) can't index on this type of field).

If you are not using Clip Time-In/Time-Out when you log the news, you can't use this utility.

If you are using QuickScan's Closed Caption import features then the Time-In/Time-Out is automatically entered and there is no problem.

If you have two records (clips) in one newscast that each have the same "Time-In", even though these are two different stories, one will be deleted. There are cases where loggers who are manually entering news stories will enter the 'teaser' as story 1 with the Time-In as '00:00:00' and then use another record to enter the first actual story and enter this Time-In as '00:00:00' also. One of these stories will get the axe!

2. You should be sure that no one is on the system when you run this utility. QuickScan should be closed at ALL workstations.

3. VERY IMPORTANT! You should make a copy of the data file that you are going to remove duplicates from before you run the utility. Check the number of records that you have in the file before you run the utility and then check the number of records that you have after using the utility. If you lose a ridiculous number of records then you have a problem - but you'll be able to restore your data with the backup copy (Don't go by file size - this will actually appear to increase after running the utility, even if many records were deleted. You can reduce the file size later by running the Repair/Compact feature. The Repair/Compact feature can also be found in the QuickScan Utility program).     Back to Top      Make a Service Request


I'm not able to create a SnapShot email report and an email document is not automatically created as I expected.

First of all, your email software must support the Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI).  Most email software does - AOL's email client does not.  If you have a recent email application, such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora or Netscape Messenger installed and you're still having trouble, you may want to try reinstalling the program or you can check to see if your email application is registered as the default mail application.  To check this open Microsoft Word.  From the "File" menu select "Send To". If Send To does not contain "Mail Recipient" on the submenu, you might not have your email software configured as your default e-mail program. You can set your email program as the default e-mail program in Windows Control Panel. Click the Start menu, click Settings, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Internet. On the Programs tab, in the E-mail list, click your email program to select it from the list.

Another painless method, if you're a Microsoft Internet Explorer fan, is to download and install the latest (and greatest) Microsoft browser program, Internet Explorer 5.5.  This application comes complete with Outlook Express and after you've successfully completed the installation you should be MAPI compliant.  Note:  The IE download could be time consuming if you have standard phone connections to the internet, so you should be sure to plan for this. Click here to visit the Links page that will direct you to Microsoft's IE download page.

Another problem that may occur is that the creation of the SnapShot report is suddenly terminated without an error message.  This can be caused by lack of space on your hard drive.  You might want to try emptying your Recycle Bin or deleting   unnecessary files.
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How can I email reports to my clients who own Mac computers when the SnapShot Viewer doesn't work on those? (Explains sending reports in HTML format - not just for Mac users)

The SnapShot viewer is a Windows-only program, but there is another really cool way to send reports to non-Windows clients - or those clients who would rather not install the SnapShot Viewer. With your report in the Print Preview mode click File and then select Send. Now, select the first item on the list, "HTML". A dialog box will open asking for the HTML template file, just click OK (the template file would contain a common theme or look - as in a Web page). QuickScan will next open an email document with your report attached in HTML format (your email software must be MAPI compliant). There will be one file per page of report and these pages will be linked to each other just like Web pages. When your client receives the email they'll simply double click on the first of the HTML files and the first page of the report will open in their own Web browser (Netscape, Microsoft's Internet Explorer, etc.). Web browsers on both Macs and PCs read the same HTML code. The user will require no additional software what-so-ever so long as they have a browser (and who doesn't these days?). The formatting will be slightly different but it will still look real good. 
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To get all of the recent QuickScan features and fixes do I need to install all of the previous updates?

No, you'll only need to download and install the most recent application file update.  You may also be asked to send in one of your data files for modification to go along with the updates to the application.  
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Is QuickScan 98 Y2K (Year 2000) compliant?

Yes it is!  QuickScan 98 was developed with Microsoft™ Access 97.  The following is Microsoft's explanation of how it now  now handles 2 digit date abbreviations:
In data sheets and edit controls, Microsoft Access now interprets dates entered with an abbreviated year format to mean the twenty-first century in the following way.   Date range for abbreviated year format  Interpretation
1/1/00 through 12/31/29    1/1/2000 through 12/31/2029
1/1/30 through 12/31/99    1/1/1930 through 12/31/1999

QuickScan has also undergone thorough code examination to be sure that there is not date dependant code that would be affected by the year 2000 roll-over.

The above applies to all of the 32-bit QuickScan applications (QuickScanJr Plus, QuickScanDL, QSafeTNet and the QuickScan Utility). 

Version 2 QuickScanJr application (created with the 16-bit Access 2.0 application) has been modified to force the user to enter a four digit year in the date input field, which is a 'text' field rather than a 'date' field.  When data from the modified QuickScanJr application is imported into QuickScan 98 the date text data is appended to QuickScan 98's data table date field and is interpreted correctly as a date.

Click here to see the chart of QuickScan applications and there associated Y2K compliance.                  Back to Top       Make a Service Request


When I'm running the Repair/Compact portion of the QuickScan maintenance routine I get an error message saying that there may be another workstation in use or that I have entered an incorrect path to my data files.  I know that neither case is true.

To remedy this problem you will need to close QuickScan.  From the Windows Start button select Find and then select Files and Folders.  In the box labeled "Named:" type in *.new and in the box labeled "Look in:" select your C: drive.  Click the Find Now button.  If, in the results, you see "archive.new" or "current.new", select the file(s) (by clicking on them) and then tap the delete key on your keyboard to delete them.  If you should see the same files twice, each in the c:\qs98 folder and each in J:, you only need to delete those in the c:\qs98 folder.    Your Repair and Compact should run normally now. 
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bulletIn the "Teaser/Promo Letter" report, is there a way to include a standard 'complimentary close' (i.e. Yours Truly,) and a typed 'signature' line (i.e. Bob Jones, President)?

Yes, go to the QuickScan User Options screen and click the "Teaser Letter/Report Options" button.  Place the cursor after your summation paragraph text and tap the <Enter> key on your keyboard twice.  Type your 'complimentary close'.   Now, tap the <Enter> key twice more and type your signature line.  The close and signature should now appear correctly on your report.       Back to Top        Make a Service Request

bulletWhen I start QuickScan I'm asked for a "Path" to my data files when I have already entered this information.

You should check with your system administrator to be sure that you are entering the correct path.  For stand-alone systems the path to both the current data files and archive data files will be c:\qs98.  If you are on a network, the path will be a common drive, such as J.

If you have entered the correct location to your data and are still receiving an error, it is possible that you have lost the connection on your network.  Go into Windows Explorer and check if you can see the common drive.  If so, click on it to view its contents.  If you are able to view the contents of the common drive (usually J:) then this is not the problem.

It could also be that one of you data files has become corrupted.  Use repair option "One" to repair your data files or close QuickScan and use the QuickScan Utility repair feature.  You should probably start repairs with the file current.mdb as this is the file that is being written to most often and where a corruption is most likely to occur.  After running the repair on current.mdb try to open QuickScan.  If QuickScan still won't open, run the same repair on each of the following files, and after each repair try to re-open QuickScan until you have found the culprit file: archive.mdb, current.mdb, datafile.mdb, homefile.mdb, qsidecar.mdbBack to Top       Make a Service Request

bulletI have entered a correct path to my data and have run the repair options but continue to get a path error though everything appears normal once I have entered the path and QuickScan is running.

Check the QuickScan User options to be sure that  the "default file locations" are entered correctly and that they are consistent with what you've entered as the path to you data files in the initialization screen.   Incorrect entries in one of these fields will also cause errors to occur while using the Ad Hoc search screen.   Back to Top       Make a Service Request

bulletAn error occurs when I close the Ad Hoc Search form.

Check the QuickScan User options to be sure that  the "default file locations" are entered correctly and that they are consistent with what you've entered as the path to you data files in the initialization screen.   Back to Top    Make a Service Request

bulletMy company name, phone number or other information is not appearing on reports?

Be sure that you have entered this information in the QuickScan User Options form.  This can be opened by double clicking the text in upper center portion of the Main Menu.  This text, when the program is used for the first time, usually says "Double  click here".  There may also be a company name here.  Back to Top     Make a Service Request

bulletI get an error when I attempt to run the spelling checker in QuickScan.

For QuickScan to run the spelling checker Microsoft ® Word 95  or Word 97 must be installed on your computer.  Back to Top       Make a Service Request

bulletWhen I run the spelling checker I get the message that the the spell check is complete but it did not find any errors.

There are two spelling checker options that should not be selected.  The first is the option to ignore all words in upper case.  The second is to ignore all words that contain numbers.  Since most closed caption text is in upper case the spell checker is ignoring everything.  To access these options you'll need to misspell a word in you text and make sure that you've typed this word in lower case.  Now, activate the spelling checker, which will open a dialog box with your misspelled word selected.  You may now click on the spell check "Options..." button and make sure that "Ignore" options are not selected.  Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletI get a spell check error in QuickScanJr version 2.x.

All of the version 2 QuickScan applications utilize a third party spelling checker application.  If you are receiving errors when you run the spelling check, you should close QuickScanJr and open File Manager (Windows 3.x) or Windows Explorer (Windows 95/98).  Locate the c:\quskjr folder and look for any files called taswk001.mdb, taswk002.mdb, etc.  Each one of these will also have an associated file by the same name but with an .ldb file extension.  Delete all of these files (the.mdb files and the .ldb files).  That should solve the problem.  Note:  This solution is only valid for the version 2.x QuickScan products.     Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletI'm running a search where I know that I have 'hits' but nothing happens.  No search results or error messages appear.

This symptom usually suggests that there is a corruption in your data.  The first step would be to run the QuickScan Repair/Compact features.  If, after you have run the file repair and compact functions you are still experiencing this problem, then you will need to narrow down where in your data that the corruption exists.  To do this, first limit your search to a single date.  If you get search results for this date, increase the search date range by one day until you get the error.  This will tell you on what day in your data you have the error.  Now, narrow it down a little further by performing your search in the suspected date but use only one station at a time until you get the error.  Next, you should limit the search even further by performing the same search but further limiting it to a specific program, on the station, on the date in question.  When, again, you get no search results you'll have found your culprit broadcast.  At this point you should go into QuickScan's Edit Clips screen.  Switch to the "datasheet" view and scroll through the records until you find the program in that you've determined had the data error.  The best thing to do at this point is to delete every record in this broadcast and then re-enter it from scratch.  Unfortunately, there is usually no easy way to repair the affected data.  You should try to determine what may have happened while the data for this program was being entered.  Did you system crash?  Did you get a power surge? Etc...     Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletIs it important to perform the regular QuickScan maintenance?  What does the 'compact' function do?

Only if your data is important to you!  The compact function is much like the file defragmentation utility that you use on your hard drive except that it works on your data files.  Over time, as you use QuickScan, the data in your database will become fragmented.  The compact functions reorganizes your data and allows more efficient and, therefor, quicker searches.          Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletHow can I stop a search from running once it has begun (such as when I've realized after starting the search that I've entered incorrect search criteria)?

You can stop a search dead in its tracks by tapping the <Ctrl> key and <Pause/Break> key simultaneously on your keyboard.         Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletHow can I determine the "modification" date of my QuickScan application?

On the QuickScan 98, ProMedia, ProMedia 2 main menu, on the lower left corner of the screen, under the "File Repair" button and to the left of the "Report Titles" button is a small button labeled with a lower case "m".  Clicking on this button will cause a date to appear in the upper, right corner of the Main Menu.  This is the modification date.  For QuickScanJr and QSafeTNet there is a similar button on the lower left side of the Main Menu that is labeled "version date".  Clicking this button also causes the modification date to appear in the upper right corner of the Main Menu screen.   There is also a like control for the QuickScan Utility program in the upper right portion of its Main Menu screen.  

To determine the Modification date of QuickScan ProMedia 3 and 4 go to the User Options screen and then the File Information tab.  You'll find the date at the bottom center of the screen.   Back to Top      Make a Service Request     Make an Update Request

bulletI've sent my recently updated "homefile.mdb" file to a remote logger but now they are unable to see any program information in their logging screen.

If your remote loggers are using the older version 2 QuickScanJr application, they will not be able to use your version 3 (QuickScan 98) "homefile.mdb" (There should be no problem using your version 3 homefile.mdb with QuickScanJr Plus).  Creating a new, updated version 2 homefile.mdb for the version 2 remote loggers is simple.  First, you must make sure that the file "home_2up.mdb" exists in the qs2 folder on your hard drive.   If not, copy it from the qs98 folder on your hard drive to the qs2 folder.  Next, open the QuickScan Utility and click the button labeled "Update Ver 2 homefile" and then fill in the blanks.  A new version 2 homefile.mdb will be created for you in the location that you have specified.  Note:   You must still have the old qs2 folder and files from your previous QuickScan XLS, version 2, on your C: drive.  If you do not, or if you never did, contact BDS for the additional Ver.2 Utility setup disk set.  Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletShould I turn my computer and/or QuickScan off when I leave the office for the day?

Generally, the answer to this would be no but there are a few considerations.   First of all, do you have a UPS (not for freight, this is an Uninterruptible Power Supply - or battery back-up)?  This is important because if your computer is on when there is a power failure, Windows will have shut down improperly and this can cause its own problems.  If you have a power failure while your PC is on and QuickScan is open, you run a pretty good chance of corrupting your data.  In another vein, turning the power on and off to your PC, over time, supposedly weakens components.  On the other hand, heat build up from being left on may also weaken components.  Bottom line:   It saves time to leave your PC on and it won't hurt it.  Bottom, bottom line:   Get a UPS!  No one who depends on their computer and the data entrusted there should be without one.  You could probably even string all of your VCRs on a decent UPS - unless you like reprogramming them after each thunderstorm...  
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bulletHow can I set up my computer systems and printers to take full advantage of QuickScan’s report, label and fax features?

At this time QuickScan is setup to print to three unique printers and a fax driver (the fax software on the user’s PC).

The first printer is your default printer. This is the printer where most of QuickScan’s reports are directed. It may be virtually any type of printer. When a user prints a standard report (not a "production order", fax or label) QuickScan will attempt to print this report to the printer that is designated in Windows as that computer’s default printer (this can, of course, be a ‘shared’ printer).

Another printer is intended to be the Tape Production Department printer. Production orders are directed to this printer and for QuickScan to find it, it must be called "Prod Dept". This can be any type of printer that you choose but it must then be renamed "Prod Dept" (no quotes) in Windows.  If production department printer is to be the same printer as the default printer then you must create a second installation of your default printer and name in "Prod Dept" (see "For non-network users" below).

For non-network users, a copy of your default printer could be created and that copy named "Prod Dept". Copying and renaming printers in Windows is very simple. Go to Start/ Settings/ Printers then double click the Add Printer Icon. Follow the wizard instructions on your screen to install a new version of your existing printer. When you get to the portion of the wizard that asks you for a printer name replace the default name with "Prod Dept". Now QuickScan will print Production Orders to your printer.

For network users:

In the Production Department: Rename the printer that’s attached to the Production Department workstation to "Prod Dept" and share this printer (right click on the printer’s icon and select Sharing…). Type in "Prod Dept" (without quotes) in the Share Name box.

At the other workstations: On each workstation in your QuickScan workgroup select Start/ Settings /Printers and then double click on the Add Printer icon. When asked, select Network Printer. You’ll next go to a screen that asks for a "Network path or queue name" and you’ll want to click the Browse button, which will display your Network Neighborhood and the shared printers that are there. Click the ‘plus/minus’ box to the left of Production Department’s computer and select the printer named Prod Dept. Click OK and click the Next button on the wizard screen. You’ll be asked for a printer name and you’ll need to type in "Prod Dept" (no quotes). Choose "no" where you’re asked if you want this to be your default printer and then click Next. You can print a test page if you like. Your production department printer will now automatically receive all of the Production Orders created by QuickScan.

There is yet another printer and this is the Tape and shipping labels printer. Tape and shipping labels are directed to this printer and for QuickScan to find it, it must be called "Label Printer" (no quotes). You may use any pin-feed (tractor feed) type printer for this purpose as long as it’s renamed "Label Printer" in Windows. To set up the label printer follow the procedures above for Production Department printer but substitute "Label Printer" for "Prod Dept".  A specific label must be used for the tape label/shipping label.  For more information about this label and where to order it click here.

For monitors with one computer only: You’ll need either two printer ports on your computer (which can be easily and cheaply added) or a ‘smart’ computer/printer-sharing device. Be sure that you name the printer "Label Printer"

IMPORTANT NOTE: Older versions of QuickScan have labels that are trying to print to a printer called "Epson LX-570+". If you are running one of these versions (pre-4/21/99) then you’ll need to name your label printer "Epson LX-570+" (which is a great printer by the way). If you have upgraded to a post-4/21/99 version of QuickScan and already have your printers named "Epson LX-570+" then you will simply need to rename the printer on each workstation to "Label Printer".

The last printer that we need to talk about is your Fax software. QuickScan would like to send its faxed reports to a printer called "WinFax" (which is great faxing software too). So, whatever fax software you are using, you will need to name it "WinFax" for smooth report faxing.
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bulletWhen I create a report title with an ampersand (&), such as "B & B Burgers", the ampersand disappears when the report is printed.

Without giving a lengthy explanation of why let me just explain the work-around for this. In the Report Title box simply type two ampersands side by side such as "B && B Burgers".  In the subsequent report this will display properly as "B & B Burgers".  Note:   The problem with ampersands does not occur in client reports that use client names from the client database in lieu of a report title.  Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletWhat is the SnapShot Viewer and how do I use it?

Microsoft™ has created and made available a great little program called the SnapShot Viewer, which will now work seamlessly with your QuickScan to give you one-step sending of completely formatted reports to you clients by email. Your clients, on the other end, will receive the email with your SnapShot attachment, double click the attachment to instantly open it and then, if they like, print it (or print selected pages). What your client will see on the screen will look identical to what you saw in the report’s Print Preview and what the client can print will look identical to what you print in your office! What you see is what they get!

To use the SnapShot viewer you must first install it. Clients to whom you intend to send reports by email will also need to install the viewer. Many of you already have the installation program included on your QuickScan installation CD. You can find this program, snpvw80.exe, in the SnapShotVW folder on the CD. Double click on the snpvw80.exe file to start the installation and then follow the instructions on your screen. If you don’t have this folder on your QuickScan CD, you can download the viewer by going to the SnapShot Viewer’s download page, http://www.microsoft.com/accessdev/prodinfo/snapshot.htm, and then downloading and installing the software. You can send the snpvw80.exe file to your clients from your CD or give them the URL above and let them download it themselves.

Using the SnapShot viewer is extremely easy once it’s installed (installation’s easy too).

bulletViewing a Report (monitor’s clients): As explained above, your clients will only need to double click on the SnapShot email attachment you’ve sent and the viewer will launch itself with the report in view. As a matter of fact they’ll be able to launch the viewer any time they double click on a SnapShot file (SnapShot files have a .snp extension). So they can save the reports that you send them.
bulletTo create a report SnapShot from QuickScan (monitors): Run any report as you usually do. When the report opens in the Print Preview screen select File from the title bar then Send… and then select Snapshot Format and click OK (you can also double click on "Snapshot Format", which is a little faster). An email document will open automatically with your report SnapShot already attached. All you have to do is select or type in who you want to send the report to and click the Send Email control on your email software. That’s it! Note: Your email software must be MAPI compliant for this to work as just described. Most are.   Back to Top      Make a Service Request
bulletWhen I'm searching for records (stories) that contain a particular key word in the text how can I avoid "word within a word" results (i.e. searching for oil returns spoiled, soil, Oilers, spoiler, foil, etc.)?

When you enter the key word or Topic word (in the Ad Hoc search screen or in the Client/Contact search criteria topic field) type a space before and after the word you are searching for (i.e. / oil /).  You must think of a space as just another character and that QuickScan will search for a string of characters that include the two spaces: [space]-o-i-l-[space].    Caveat: If your key word is the first word in the record's description text, this record will not be returned as part of the results set.  This is because there is no space in front of the first word in a description text.             Back to Top      Make a Service Request

bulletI am searching for two key words but only want 'hits' in the records where both key words occur (i.e. Priest AND video - not Priest OR video).

The next version of QuickScan will have full "Boolean" functionality but for those of you who need this now there is a fairly simple solution.  

From the Ad Hoc search screen enter your search date range and then both of your keywords in the Topics box (followed by the back slash "\").  Now, execute the search by clicking the "..edit select before printing" button.  When your results screen appears there will be a button visible that allows you to create a "DL" file (depending on which version of QuickScan you have this button may appear at the top of the screen or near the bottom).  Create a "DL" file from your search results and close the search results screen to return to the Ad Hoc search screen (you'll be able to name the DL file anything that you like, but you'll have to use an ".mdb" file extension).  Now change your Topics field to the specific keyword that you are looking for and, at the top right side of the screen, from the "Search in which file?" control, select "Other".  You may now 'browse' your way to the DL file that you just created and run your search on these already filtered records obtaining the results that you need.  From these results you can create any of your QuickScan reports or even another DL file!  

bulletQuickScan gives me a cryptic error message when I attempt to import a closed caption text file.

This is most probably being caused by an improper setting in your CCapture software that won't allow the closed caption text file to be formatted in the way QuickScan requires for it to be imported.   In CCapture click File then Globals and make sure that the "Time Format" is set to 24 hour.  Next, check the Event Scheduler for each event and make sure that both "File" and "Time Base" are checked.

Another problem that is sometimes encountered is when a closed caption text file has been edited in a word processor program and then is accidentally saved as a word processor document rather than as a text file.  This causes invisible formatting characters to be added to the file that QuickScan does not interpret.  The remedy for this is to simply re-open the file and then re-save it as a text file.
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