This page last had information added on: 04/04/05

QuickScan ProMedia    QuickScan 98/99   QuickScanJr Plus     QSafeTNet Workstation   QuickScanJr(V.2)    QuickScan Utility    QuickScan DL

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QuickScan ProMedia

bullet2/12/01 - 3.9.3  ProMedia
Option of using older version "Add Delimiter" screen or the new version of the screen.
* Bug fix of problem causing the Batch-completed confirmation error from displaying
* Altered results screens to display the Add Account flag window ahead of the Add Category flag window.
bullet12/15/00 - 3.9.2  ProMedia
Changes to the Edit Category form to keep it from scrolling to the top after an entry or edit
* Changes to the Category table that was preventing new categories from being added
* Fix to the report code that was causing an error to be produced when searching for text strings that contained the apostrophe.
* The "Create DL File" command button was producing an error when it was used from the screen viewing a filtered view of the clip data.  This error did not occur when viewing a separate temporary result set ("edit, select, before printing").  This control has now been disabled in first screen.
bullet11/20/00 - 3.9  ProMedia
New feature added to the CC Edit and Append form that allows the flagging of CC records with Accounts and Categories.  Note: This update requires BDS access to the user's computer system for modifications of the large "Current.mdb" data file.
bullet10/24/00 - 3.8.9  ProMedia
New feature to process Closed Caption text files where the delimiter characters are not provided between stories by the broadcaster.  New screen replaces the original Add Delimiter screen and adds the functionality of full editing (cut, copy, paste), spell checking, multiple deletion of lines of text, paragraph formatting.  To view a screen shot of the new Add Delimiter screen click here.     
bullet10/12/00 - 3.8.8  ProMedia
New "Media Value" and "Abbreviated Media Value" reports calculate viewer ship and approximate media value for each clip displayed in the report. These values are totaled at bottom of the report and a "Media Value Index" number is derived.
* Fix for cursor tab order on Ad Hoc search form.
* Fix for excess "beeping"
* Added "QuickFix" feature to QS ProMedia that was available in QuickScan 99
bullet8/23/00 - 3.8.7  ProMedia                                                                                    Back to Top
A new feature to automatically delete blank records during the CC Import and Append process. Often times when a CC file is imported there are superfluous delimiter characters such as "### ###". QS interprets the space between these characters as a story and therefore a record in the database. This record will takes up space in the database and also looks bad on reports.
A fix for an error running the Abbreviated General Report when it encountered a "null" value in a record's description field.
* A fix for the User Options form that was not allowing use of the Password controls.
* A fix for the report known as the "Hit Frequency Report". This report had failed to display multiple hits occurring on the same station in the correct Time order.
bullet8/22/00 - 3.8.6  ProMedia
Modifications to "Type 3" file naming convention to include programs that start 'minutes' after the hour    
bullet8/18/00 - 3.8.6  ProMedia
In the User Options screen, the option control under the Logging tab which allowed the user to skip through the "Category" fields while logging was not working. This option has been corrected and enhanced to also skip the "Accounts" field while logging.
bullet8/12/00 - 3.8.6  ProMedia
Modifications to "Type 3" file naming convention to include proper designation for "radio".
bullet * The 'Account' search criteria form's Topic field now validates for a back slash  " \ " delimiter after the last key word or key word phrase.
bullet7/29/00 - 3.8.6  ProMedia
Corrected bug that was causing an error When QuickScan was closed.
bullet7/21/00 - 3.8.5  ProMedia
Corrected bug that was not allowing the "Edit, Select..." search result form to close without an error.
* New feature to run maintenance backup by "date logged" or by "broadcast date".          Back to Top
bullet6/1-16/00 - 3.8.5  ProMedia
Corrected bug that was causing an error on some systems during the DL file creation.
bullet5/31/00 - 3.8.3  ProMedia
Error when closing Ad Hoc search screen corrected
* Fixed "Create DL File" export button that wasn't working in the Client's search results screen.
bullet4/18/00 - 3.8.2  ProMedia
Media database for broadcast programs now accepts Neilson rating numbers and 30 second add cost (a report to display this data is forthcoming).
Bug fixes causing report printing error from Client search results screen
* "Un-select clip" check box in the Client "Edit Actual Results" screen now also applies to subsequent reports generated from there.
* Edit Category, Clip Types, Report Titles moved to User Options area
* Edit Category, Clip Types, Report screens modified to display multiple records simultaneously.   Back to Top
bullet3/28/00 - 3.8.1  ProMedia
QuickScan ProMedia introduced - replaces QuickScan 99 for all new purchases.  Update also available.
* Client database broken into 'contacts' and contacts may now be subdivided into 'accounts'.  An individual search profile may be stored for each 'account'. 
* Clips may be 'flagged' with any number of accounts and later searched for by account name (as well as standard search parameters).
* Clips may now be flagged with any number of user defined 'categories'.
* Selected multiple search results may be flagged simultaneously with an account name.  This will allow a search result set that has been manually selected to be easily and accurately reconstituted at any point in the future.
* Imports and converts data from existing QuickScanJr applications
* Modified User Options screen
* New user option selections for reports no longer affect logging.
* New 'Theme' options to change QuickScan's appearance.    
* New option to disable CC File Organizer feature
* New option to ignore or include blank lines (carriage returns) when importing CC text files                                                                                                                           Back to Top

QuickScan 99

bullet11/30/00 - 3.6
Fix for problem with the set of Abbreviated reports
bullet10/24/00 - 3.6
* New feature to process Closed Caption text files where the delimiter characters are not provided between stories by the broadcaster.  New screen replaces the original Add Delimiter screen and adds the functionality of full editing (cut, copy, paste), spell checking, multiple deletion of lines of text, paragraph formatting.  To view a screen shot of the new Add Delimiter screen click here. 
bullet8/23/00 - 3.5.9
A fix for the report known as the "Hit Frequency Report". This report had failed to display multiple hits occurring on the same station in the correct Time order.
* A new feature to automatically delete blank records during the CC Import and Append process. Often times when a CC file is imported there are superfluous delimiter characters such as "### ###". QS interprets the space between these characters as a story and therefore a record in the database. This record will takes up space in the database and also looks bad on reports.
* A fix for an error running the Abbreviated General Report when it encountered a "null" value in a record's description field.
bullet8/22/00 - 3.5.8
Modifications to "Type 3" file naming convention to include programs that start 'minutes' after the hour
bullet8/12/00 - 3.5.8
Modifications to "Type 3" file naming convention to include proper designation for "radio".
bullet3/23/00 - 3.5.8
Insert CC Delimiter screen made wider.  Changed label on the close button to "Cancel" and added a message to ask user if the user really wanted to close the form and lose the delimiters that had been added.
* Report File menu has new "Save As/Export" option.                                                    Back to Top
bullet2/25/00 - 3.5.7                                                        
Fix for formatting error that occurred when there were no key words entered into the Topics field of the QuickScan search parameters screens
* Fix for error that caused no screens to be visible after canceling a CC Add Delimiter session
* Option for allowing users to ignore or import carriage returns (blank lines) from imported closed caption text files.  This option may be important to users who intentionally use a carriage return when formatting Closed Caption text outside of the QuickScan program.  Other users may prefer to have the large number of carriage returns found in their raw CC files automatically eliminated.  Which option the user prefers must be specified when requesting the update. A future update will include a control for the user. 
* Fix for intermittent error that occurred when opening the "Auto CC Entry" screen.
bullet1/20/00 - 3.5.6
Fix for report headers that were formatting incorrectly.
bullet11/30/99 - 3.5.6
New option feature added that, in addition to allowing the import and parsing of the Postech type closed caption files , will now also allow the import and parsing of SoftTouch type closed caption text files (this pertains specifically to the optional QuickScan closed caption import module).  There is also a new drop-down selector control that appears in the User Options screen for selecting the CC file type to be imported.  
bullet11/18/99 - 3.5.5
This update corrects a problem that was causing the workstation-local utility file, "qsidecar.mdb", to become unnaturally enlarged and in turn cause the QuickScan application to open slowly.
bullet11/16/99 - 3.5.5
This update fixes a problem that was causing QuickScan to return a "hit" whenever a tilde (~) character was contained in that record's text fields.
bullet11/9/99 - 3.5.4
* Clicking the "Create Order" button on the Client Search Result screen formerly printed a tape label, shipping label, production order and a "tape detail report".  This tape detail report will no longer be printed unless the number of 'clips' that are to be in the order exceed eleven (11).  Twelve is the maximum number of records that will print on a tape label.                                             Back to Top
bullet11/8/99 - 3.5.4
The sort order for viewing search results in the "Ad Hoc" and "by-Client" search results screens was corrected .  This pertains to both "edit actual data" results and the "edit, select before printing" results.  QuickScan reports were unaffected by this glitch and continue sorting correctly. Records (clips) are now sorted in the following order:  Broadcast Date, City, Station, Time and then Order of Entry into the database.
* The cryptic error message that appears when a user attempts to append a closed caption file without having selected a location for archived closed caption files has been replaced with a friendly explanation.  The append operation is no longer interrupted and the archived, renamed CC file is placed in the local c:\qs98 folder.  
bullet10/26/99 - 3.5.3
Default date range on Maintenance form has been re-corrected. 
bullet10/18/99 - 3.5.3
Client Listing report has been updated to include all new QuickScan 9x fields.  Sorting order has also been updated.
bullet10/5/99 - 3.5.3 (QuickScan 99) 
New feature that allows paragraph formatting to remain in Closed Caption documents that have been formatted outside of QuickScan.
* Changes to report formatting.
* Minor bug fixes to forms open/close off various functions.                                             Back to Top
bullet9/26/99 - 3.5.2 (QuickScan 99) **
A major re-writing of all QuickScan search code.  This enhances the search speeds to a 10th of the previous speeds - especially noticeable in running batch reports.
* Manual Input Clips screen has been modified for more viewing area per record (story, clip).
* Closed Caption Edit and Append screen has been modified for more viewing area per record (story, clip) and the "Summary" field is now viewable with a toggle switch that causes a window to be superimposed over the CC text where the user may input Summary data.
* Program "End Time" field added to Broadcaster/Programs database.
* A new button has been added to the Main Menu screen that allows access to the User Options.  Previous access point - double clicking on Company Name - has been removed.
* The quick file repair feature is no longer accessible directly from the Main Menu but has now been moved to the Maintenance screen.
* New option feature that allows the user to print a report even though there are no 'hits'. This informs a client that the search with their criteria was run but produced no results.  This option is selectable for each 'Contact' in the 'Client' database.  It is also selectable from the Ad Hoc search screen.
** The above feature update may incur an update charge for non-CSP users.  All new features listed below are also included with this update.
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bullet8/1/99 - 3.4.4
* A fix for the default date range that appears when the Maintenance procedures are started.  If these maintenance procedures are run each Friday (as recommended) the default date range now defaults to copy all records from 'yesterday' (Thursday) through the previous Friday.  This now prevents an accidental duplication of Thursday's data each week. 
NOTE:  For those of you who believe that you may already have duplicate data in your archive file (or any QS data file) an update to the QuickScan Utility is now available that has an easy-to-use function to eliminate duplicate records.   Send an update request to obtain a free copy of the Utility update (click for more information on the QuickScan Utility).                                                    
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bullet7/4/99 -  3.4.4 **
Feature to automatically rename raw CC text files and move them to a user selected CC archive storage folder after the CC data has been imported.
* CC text files are named according to header station, broadcast time and broadcast date that are pulled from the CC text file (i.e. 120298 WDAE 1800.txt). The CC text files are renamed with a .txt extension to allow easy opening in Notepad or other registered text viewer/editor.
* New user option to name folder where archived CC files will be stored.
* Command button feature to automatically create a new directory folder for archived CC files from within the User Options screen.
* Command button feature to automatically create new directory folder for 'new' CC files - from within the User Options screen.
* A modification is required for the system's datafile.mdb file
* Click here for more information.
** This feature update may incur an update charge for non-CSP users.
bullet6/10/99 - 3.4.3
Modifications to Type 3 file output
* Tab order corrected on Client/Contact form
bullet5/25/95 - 3.4.3
Added File menu options to the Print Preview screen of the Tape Label and Client Shipping Label (these File menu items were already available on other reports).
bullet5/18/99 - 3.4.3
Added report date range field to Ad Hoc 'Rundown' report.                                            Back to Top
bullet5/14/99 - 3.4.3
Fix to Tape Label that was causing records (clips) to be sorted differently than in other associated  reports.
Fix to "Create Order" feature that was preventing the "Production Order" report from printing.
More descriptive error messages for attempts to import incorrectly formatted closed caption files.
bullet4/20/99 - 3.4.2
Fixed Batch Report bug that caused all interval reports to print when any interval was selected.  Oops!                                                                                                                        Back to Top
bullet4/18/99 - 3.4.2
New option added to User Options screen allows user to select whether reports will open full screen (Maximized) or normal sized when Print Preview is displayed prior to printing. (requires a modification to user's datafile.mdb)
* Some 'fly-over' text modified in User Options screens.
* All screens that contain a report selector drop-down list (i.e. Ad Hoc Search) now open with the "General" report pre-selected as the default report to be printed.
* FIX:   Problem with the Import Preview screen that prevented users from being able to select and edit remote file programs prior to import has been corrected.
bullet4/9/99 - 3.4.1
Record locking control added to User Options forms.  This should prevent further corruption problems that were occurring when more than one user was attempting to make a change in options at the same time.
bullet3/31/99 - 3.4.1
* Batch report date groups no longer print together.  In other words all of the 'daily' and 'weekly' reports no longer print along with the 'monthly' reports, the weekly reports no longer print along with the monthly reports, etc.
* Some field sizes adjusted to fit larger amounts of text for Rundown Reports.
bullet3/15/99 - 3.4.1
* Added new controls to to the QuickFix feature that allows for a "Tape ID"   to be easily added to each record of a previously logged broadcast.                                                               Back to Top
bullet3/9/99 - 3.4
2nd Page of User Options made to hide the "company logo" field if the box is not checked to use the logo.
* Small fixes to report's "Prepared By..." fields - made larger.
bullet3/3/99 - 3.4
New report: "Teaser Letter" that is a friendly letter format that lists 'hits' * New screen in User Options to store Teaser Letter report's variables - Salutation, Body and Closing.
* Modifications made to add fields to datafile.mdb database in table tblUserData (accommodates the above).
* Spell checker added to User Options forms (so users can check spelling in disclaimer fields, Teaser Letter fields, etc.
bullet2/22/99 - 2/24/99 - 3.3.9
Report disclaimer field added to all reports.
* New field in User Options to edit and store new report disclaimer
* New field in User Options to select whether Time In/Duration field is visible on reports
* Enhancements to layout of second page of User Options.
* New command button to call the User Options screen added to Ad Hoc Search screen, Orders-Clients screen, Ad Hoc 'Edit, Select Before Printing' Results screen, Client's 'Edit, Select Before Printing' Results screen.                                                                                   Back to Top
bullet2/12/99 - 2/13/99 - 3.3.8
New report for records with overly large CC fields
* Enter Key behavior modified on all forms with descriptions fields to allow carriage return in stead of movement to next field.
* New field in User Options to select whether Time In/Duration field is visible on reports
* Enhancements to layout and functionality of User Options screens.
* New command button to call the User Options screen added to Ad Hoc Search screen, Orders-Clients screen, Ad Hoc 'Edit, Select Before Printing' Results screen, Client's 'Edit, Select Before Printing' Results screen.
* Fix to Maintenance screen to hide non-used "Archive Maintenance" command button when form opened from Repair Options screen.
* Path Error Options form enhanced for layout and functionality.
* Insert CC Delimiter screen enlarged to allow more of the program text to be in view at once.
* "Auto Center" added on CC Delimiter form.
bullet2/8/99 Datafile.mdb
Added "query" Clients to this database file so users can use MS Word mail merge tools with QuickScan client database.                                                                                        Back to Top
bullet1/25/99 - 1/28/99 - 3.3.7
* Code correction to format report headers
* Modifications to 'Type 3' file creation/export
* Archive Export maintenance function modified to keep protected file names from being used.
* Modifications made to User-logo function.  Logo now 'stretches' to fill field size and is displayed in User Options.
bullet1/11/99 - 1/15/99 - 3.3.5
"Production" reports set to printer called "Prod Dept Printer"
* Modifications to Clips Edit screen to make Summary or Description (CC) field visible depending on User Options settings.
* Modifications to Hot Topics screen - scroll bars in text fields and made larger.
* "Search In" radio control's default setting determined from User Options when either Ad Hoc Search or Client-Orders forms are opened.
* Fixes and modifications to maintenance procedure - now takes Summary field into account.  
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bullet1/4/99 - 1/10/99 - 3.3.2
SnapShot feature added to report preview menus
* Copyright label code modification
* Default setting on 'Search In' field set to 'both' from 'Description'
bullet12/21/98 - 3.3.1
New field on User Options screen for default location of CC files
* Modifications to Type 3 file functions.
* Type 3 file export added to Export Menu
bullet12/11/98 - 12/15/98 - 3.2.9
Type 3 file location field added to User Options form
* BNX file output function added
* Selection added to User Options for selecting which field is outputted to NDS or BNX - Summary or Description
* Code modified to allow the 'Category' Boolean to work correctly with multiple Topic words.
* QuickFix features added
* Command button added to Main Menu to start QuickFix features
* Abbreviated report description-size option added to User Options
* Abbreviated reports modified to alter description field size according to User Options.   Back to Top

QuickScanJr Plus (99) Updates


10/24/00 - 3.4.5
New feature to process Closed Caption text files where the delimiter characters are not provided between stories by the broadcaster.  New screen replaces the original Add Delimiter screen and adds the functionality of full editing (cut, copy, paste), spell checking, multiple deletion of lines of text, paragraph formatting.  To view a screen shot of the new Add Delimiter screen click here. 


3/28/00 - 3.4.3
* Feature allows changing the font size in the manual data entry screen. Font sizes selections are Small, Medium and Large.


11/30/99 - 3.4.2
Fixes a bug that was causing an error moving and renaming CC files when the user failed to specify a folder for placing archived CC files.
* New option feature added that, in addition to allowing the import and parsing of the Postech type closed caption files , will now also allow the import and parsing of Soft Touch type closed caption text files (this pertains specifically to the optional QuickScan closed caption import module).  There is also a new drop-down selector control that appears in the User Options screen for selecting the CC file type to be imported.                                                                                                           Back to Top


11/15/99 - 3.4.1
NDS file output feature added.  This is similar to the feature in the full version of QuickScan but lacks the ability to select a date range to export.  All records in the QuickScanJr database are exported to the NDS file (File type 1). 
Default date selection option has been fixed (from a accidental reversion)
* New screen added with a function to insert a closed caption record while reconciling CC data (as in the full version of QuickScan).  This allows the user to easily separate two joined stories in one record to two distinct records.
* Closed Caption File Organizer feature added.  This feature works in the same way as it does in the full version of QuickScan.  Click here for more information about the CC File Organizer Feature.


8/26/99 - 3.3
Manual Input Clips screen has been modified for more viewing area per record (story, clip).
* Closed Caption Edit and Append screen has been modified for more viewing area per record (story, clip) and the "Summary" field is now viewable with a toggle switch that causes a window to be superimposed over the CC text where the user may input Summary data.                        Back to Top


6/10/99 - 3.2.6
Modifications to Type 3 file output


3/15/99 - 3.2.6
* Added new controls to to the QuickFix feature that allows for a "Tape ID"   to be easily added to each record of a previously logged broadcast


2/12/99 - 2/13/99 - 3.2.5
Enter Key behavior modified on all forms with descriptions fields to allow carriage return in stead of movement to next field.
* Enhancements to layout and functionality of User Options screens.
* Insert CC Delimiter screen enlarged to allow more of the program text to be in view at once.
* "Auto Center" added on CC Delimiter form.  


1/25/99 - 1/28/99 - 3.2.4
Modifications to 'Type 3' file creation/export
* New option for users that sets the default date that will appear in the Input Clips screen when the user begins logging a broadcast.  The new label in the User Options screen reads, "I most often manually log news that aired:"  then the logger selects the appropriate 'radio' button "Yesterday" or "Today".
* Function added to application open to check for existing records before starting a new session.   Allows user to purge old records at that time or continue without purging.                        Back to Top


1/11/99 - 1/15/99 - 3.2.2
Modifications to Clips Edit screen to make Summary or Description (CC) field visible depending on User Options settings.
* Modifications to Hot Topics screen - scroll bars in text fields and made larger
* Main Menu visible command no longer controlled from Input Clips command control but rather on the on open event of the Clips Entry form.


1/4/99 - 1/10/99 - 3.2.1
SnapShot feature added to report preview menus
* Copyright label code modification


12/21/98 - 3.2
New field on User Options screen for default location of CC files
* Main Menu control added for Type 3 file export
* QuickFix feature added
* Main Menu control added for QuickFix features
* Add Closed Caption Clips screen modified to search for CC files in location provided by new field in User Options form.                                                                                                      Back to Top


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Telephone 1.615.646.5098  *  FAX 1.615.646.0327

Copyright © 1995-2009 Kevin Alan Stewart   All Rights Reserved